Table Of Contents
Chapter 1. A Systematic Approach
The Heuristic Nature of a Systematic Approach
Kinesthetic Singing Tools
Alterations of Vocal Exercises
Selected Resources
Chapter 2. The Twenty-First Century Voice Teacher
Cross-Training the Voice Athlete
Voice Habilitation
A Vocal Warm-up Versus Vocal Function Exercises
Motor Learning Theory and the Singer
Chapter 3. A Systematic Approach to Respiration
Overview of Respiration
Teacher Takeaways of Respiration
Application of Respiration
Body Awareness Exercises
3–1: Large Ball~Stretching and Lengthening
3–2: Large Ball~Posture and Alignment
Respiration Coordination Exercises
3–3: Sustaining Unvoiced Consonants
3–4: Rhythmic Patterns on Unvoiced Consonant /s/, /f/, /θ/, /ʃ/
3–5: Alternating Unvoiced/Voiced Consonant Pairs
3–6: Flow-Ball by POWERbreathe
3–7: Flow-Ball Voiceless Staccato
3–8: Flow-Ball Voiceless Messa di Voce
3–9: Flow-Ball Voiced “Flownation”
Breath Depletion Exercises
3–10: Breath Depletion Prior to Inhalation
3–11: Breath Depletion Conditioning
Respiration and resonance Coordination
Exercise 3–12 /ʃum/ Patterns
Rib Cage Expansion
Exercise 3–13 Exercise Band
Respiratory Release
3–14: Pelvic Floor Release
3–15: Xiphoid Process Area Release
Core Engagement
3–16: Encouraging Core Engagement Through Exercise Balls
3–17: Large Ball Squat
3–18: Exercise Band Core Engagement
Selected Resources
Chapter 4. A Systematic Approach to Phonation
Overview of Phonation
Teacher Takeaways of Phonation
Overview of Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract (SOVT) Postures
Diameter of Straw or Tube
Length of Straw or Tube
Material of Straw or Tube
Straw or Tube in Water (Water Bubbles)
The Use of an Anesthesia Mask to Facilitate an SOVT Posture
Teacher Takeaways for SOVT Postures
Application of Phonation
Straw Phonation/Pitch Glides
4–1: Straw Phonation Pitch Glides—Small Intervals
4–2: Straw Phonation Pitch Glides—Full Range
4–3: Straw Phonation Pitch Glides—Varying Intervals
4–4: Straw Phonation Scales
4–5: Straw Phonation Pitch Glides to Vowels
Water Bubbles
4–6: Water Bubble Pitch Glides
4–7: Water Bubble Repertoire
Lip Trills
4–8: Arpeggio Lip Trills
4–9: Chromatic Lip Trills
Vocal Onsets
4–10: Mastering Staccato
4–11: Water Bubble Staccato
4–12: Staccato to Legato
Vocal Fry
4–13: Vocal Fry—Sustaining
4–14: Vocal Fry to Chest Registration
4–15: Vocal Fry to Head Registration
Selected Resources
Chapter 5. A Systematic Approach to Registration
Overview of Registration
Teacher Takeaways of Registration
Application of Registration
Female Head Registration Isolation
5–1: Soft /u/—Secondo Passaggio
5–2: Sustained Head Registration Isolation
5–3: Head Register Isolation Crescendo
5–4: Advanced Head Register Isolation
5–5: Advanced Head Registration—Bel-Canto Inspired
Male Head Registration Isolation
5–6: Soft /u/ for Balanced Registration
5–7: Head Registration Isolation Through Variation of Dynamics and Vowels
5–8: Building a Bridge Across RegistersMale Registration Coordination
5–9: Using Head Registration to Develop High Notes in Chest Registration
5–10: Messa di Voce Through the Secondo Passaggio
Female Chest Registration Isolation
5–11: Chest Registration Isolation
5–12: Using Head Registration to Facilitate Efficient Chest Registration
5–13: Building a Bridge to Belting
Mixed Registration for a Broad Spectrum of Sound
5–14: “Meow” CCM Mixed Registration
5–15: “My”—CCM Mixed Registration
5–16: Arpeggio~Mixed Registration
5–17: Ode to Joan Lader
5–18: Alternating Registration
5–19: Mastering Messa di Voce
Selected Resources
Chapter 6. A Systematic Approach to Articulation
Overview of Articulation
The Jaw
The Tongue
The Soft Palate
The Pharynx
Teacher Takeaways of Articulation
Application of Articulation
Jaw Stretches
6–1: Preparing the Jaw
Jaw: Voiced Exercises
6–2: Wine Cork Between Front Teeth
6–3: Wine Cork Between Molars
6–4: Masseter Muscle Release
Tongue Stretches
6–5: Tongue Out Stretch
6–6: Tongue Curl Stretch
6–7: Underside of Tongue Stretch
6–8: Circular Tongue Stretch
Tongue: Voice Exercises
6–9: Dental Consonants
6–10: Palatal Consonants
6–11: Developing Jaw and Tongue Independence
6–12: Voiced Raspberry and Tongue Trills
6–13: Base of Tongue Disengagement
6–14: Candy on the Tongue
6–15: Gauze on the Tongue
6–16: Ode to Barbara Doscher
6–17: Dental/Palatal Consonant Combinations
Soft Palate Stretches
6–18: Isolating the Soft Palate Activation
Soft Palate: Voice Exercises
6–19: Soft Palate Exploration with Voicing
6–20: Using Nasality to Explore the Contrast of Soft Palate Elevation
6–21: Thumb in Mouth Against the Soft Palate
Selected Resources
Chapter 7. A Systematic Approach to Resonance
Overview of Resonance
High Frequency Spectral Content: Vocal Ring
Classical Singer’s Lofted Resonance Strategy
CCM Singer’s Brassy Resonance Strategy
Western Classical Versus CCM
Teacher Takeaways
Application of Resonance
7–1: Chant Speech—Humming
7–2: Pitch Glides—Humming
7–3: Using /hm/ to Facilitate Resonance
7–4: Ode to Ellen Faull
7–5 :Alternating /hm/ with a Vowel Series
7–6: Bending Forward
7–7: Lying Over A Ball
7–8: Chopstick Between the Teeth
7–9: Chadley’s “Weird” /ɹ/ Exercise
7–10: Y-Buzz
7–11: Facilitating Brassy Resonance (Twang)
Selected Resources
Chapter 8. Sample Vocal Warm-up Routines
Classical Female (Middle/High School, Undergraduate, Avocational Singer)
Classical Female (Undergraduate/Graduate, Emerging Professional, Professional Singer)
Classical Male (Middle/High School, Undergraduate, Avocational Singer)
Classical Male (Undergraduate/Graduate, Emerging Professional, Professional Singer)
CCM Female (Beginner/Intermediate)
CCM Female (Intermediate/Advanced)
CCM Male (Beginner/Intermediate)
CCM Male (Intermediate/Advanced)
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