About The Book
Basic Concepts of Clinical Electrophysiology in Audiology is a revolutionary textbook, combining the research and expertise of both distinguished experts and up-and-coming voices in the field. By taking a multidisciplinary approach to the subject, the editors of this graduate-level text break down all aspects of electrophysiology to make it accessible to audiology students. In addition to defining the basics of the tools of the trade and their routine uses, the authors also provide ample presentations of new approaches currently undergoing continuing research and development. The goal of this textbook is to give developing audiologists a broad and solid basis of understanding of the methods in common or promising practice.
Throughout the text, individual chapters are divided into “episodes,” each examining a facet of the overarching chapter’s topic. With different experts handling each episode, readers are exposed to outstanding professionals in the field. This text singularly stitches together the chapters and their episodes to build from foundational concepts to more complex issues that clinicians are likely to face on their road to full clinical competency. As collections of episodes, the writers and editors thus endeavor to present a series of stories that build throughout the book, in turn allowing readers to build a broader interest in the subject.
Key Features
- Heads Up sections in each chapter introduce more advanced content to expose readers to what lies beyond the basic level and further enhance the main chapter content and “entertainment value”
- Take home messages at the end of each chapter serve to focus the reader’s attention, encourage review, and discourage superficial learning by “just reading the abstract”
- More than 450 innovative illustrations use combinations of panels, insets, and/or gray tone to facilitate reader understanding, optimize portrayal of data, and unify concepts across chapters
- Numerous case studies and references to practical clinical issues and results are included throughout the book
- Keywords are highlighted in-text to improve both attention and retention of critical terms and ease of returning to review them
- For instructors, access to the PluralPlus companion website with PowerPoint lecture slides
About The Authors
ohn D. Durrant, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Communication Science and Disorders at University of Pittsburgh and research scientist for Intelligent Hearing Systems (Miami, Florida).
Cynthia G. Fowler, PhD, is Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorder at University of Wisconsin–Madison and founding director of the Doctor-of-Audiology Program at University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point.
John A. Ferraro, PhD, is Professor Emeritus at University of Kansas and former
Doughty-Kemp Chair of the Hearing and Speech Department at University of Kansas
Medical Center.
Suzanne C. Purdy, PhD, is a career audiologist and the Head of School of Psychology at University of Auckland, New Zealand, and the current Council Chair of the International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Clinical Electrophysiology in Audiology
Prequel—A Peek at the Auditory Evoked Potentials and Areas of Application
John D. Durrant
Heads Up: Like in Space, Takes Time to Travel along the Auditory Pathway—So What?
Chapter 2. Signals and Systems Essentials
Signal Generation, Analysis, and Conditioning—Analog versus Digital Perspectives
J. Robert Boston and John D. Durrant
Temporal versus Spectral Views: The Saga Continues—Impulsive versus Steady State
W. Wiktor Jedrzejczak
Heads Up. Prequel 2: Why Are Computers So Important in This Area of Audiology and Are They Everywhere?
Rafael E. Delgado
Signal-Issues Particular to Stimulating the Auditory System and the Importance of Being Calibrated
Robert Burkard
Heads Up: Wideband Transmission and the Middle Ear Bottleneck
M. Patrick Feeney
Chapter 3. Electrically Connecting to Humans to Access Their Auditory Neurosensory Systems
Bioelectric Basics, Interface Dilemmas, and Electrode Montages/Caps—One Size Fits All?
John D. Durrant, Krzysztof M. Kochanek, and Lech K. Śliwa
Functional Neuroanatomy of ‘AEP Space’ and Underlying Neurophysiological Bases
Frank E. Musiek
Heads Up: Need That Like a Hole in the Head? What about a Nail? A Case in Point!
Christopher D. Bauch and Wayne O. Olsen
Chapter 4. Stimulating the Auditory System and the How and Why of an “Evoked” Response
Extracting the Response’s Signal from Noise Background
Steven L. Bell
The Good, Bad and Ugly?—Optimizing Response Extraction from Background Noise and How Signal Processing May Become Too Much?
Ozcan Ozdamar and John D. Durrant
Heads Up: Interlude—And You Don’t Even Have to Raise Your Hand When You Hear the Beep
John D. Durrant, Cynthia G. Fowler, and Suzanne C. Purdy
Chapter 5. Evoking Responses of the Peripheral Auditory System
First Sign Something’s Going on in There: An Acoustic Response of the Inner Ear
Jacek Smurzynski
Heads Up: Otoacoustic Emission without Turning on Sound? Who Knew?
W. Wiktor Jedrzejczak
CM, SP, and AP: Not Alphabet Soup and First-Signs AEPs Are Afoot!
John D. Durrant and John A. Ferraro
Electrocochleography: How Do Electrical Signals Get from the Hearing Organ to the “Outside” and What Good Are They?
John A. Ferraro and John D. Durrant
Heads Up: Intriguing ECochG App: Sensing Weakened Wall of Semicircular Canal
John D. Durrant, John A. Ferraro, and José Juan Barajas de Prat
What More Can Electrocochleography Teach, Including about What to Expect Later?
Martin Walger
Chapter 6. Evoking Responses of the Central Auditory System: Testing the Brainstem
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential: General Interpretation—Its Nature and Peripheral Versus Central Systems Aspects
George A. Tavartkiladze
Heads Up: Binaural Interaction in Auditory Brainstem Potentials?
Cynthia G. Fowler
Brainstem Responses to Complex Stimuli—Frequency and Envelope Following Responses
David Purcell and Viji Easwar
Heads Up: Speech-Evoked EFR and FFR
Ananthanarayan Krishnan
Auditory Steady-State Response—80-Hz Response
Maria C. Perez-Abalo
Evoked Potential Audiometry using Auditory Brainstem Response/Auditory Steady-State Response Measurements
Susan A. Small
Differential Diagnostic Applications
Cynthia G. Fowler and Jun Ho Lee
Heads Up: Differential Diagnostic Case Studies and the Challenge of Auditory Neuropathy
Jun Ho Lee and José Juan Barajas de Prat
Heads Up: Postauricular Muscle Response—Friend/Foe/Why Care?
Suzanne C. Purdy
Chapter 7. Testing Midbrain and Cortical Projection Pathways
Auditory Middle Latency Response and 40-Hz Auditory Steady-State Response—Signals en Route to the Cortex
Joaquín T. Valderrama-Valenzuela
Why Evoked Response Audiometry (ERA) Using AMLR or 40-Hz ASSR Measures
Cynthia G. Fowler and So E. Park
Differential Diagnostic Applications of AMLR
Thierry Morlet and So E. Park
Heads Up: BIC Update—Whither Beyond Pontine CANS?
Cynthia G. Fowler and So E. Park
Chapter 8. Cortical Level Testing
Call Them Late, But They Were the Frist AEPs for Practical ERA—LLRs
Barbara K. Cone
Why ERA Using Cortical Response Measurement
Linda J. Hood, Rafael E. Delgado, and Abreena I. Tlumak
Heads Up: A Case Spared of Operative Treatment Thanks to Testing of Both Brainstem and Cortical AEPs
John D. Durrant and Martin Walger
Late-Late Shows in AEPdom—Beyond Obligatory Potentials: When Just Turning on the Same Stimulus Is Not Enough
Mridula Sharma
Heads Up: Peek at EEG Analyses via Advanced Signal Processing
Ronny K. Ibrahim and Mridula Sharma
Heads Up: The Change Potential—Sometimes What’s Later Tells More
Fabrice Bardy
Chapter 9. Difficult-to-Test Patients—General Methods and Newborn Screening
Screening Hearing Responses Versus Threshold Estimation and Estimating Audiometric Configuration
Monica J. Chapchap and Patricia C. Mancini
Bone Conduction Testing—A Special Challenge, Yet Efficacious With Understanding
Susan A. Small
Testing Patients under Natural Sleep or Medically Induced Sedation/Unconsciousness
Diane L. Sabo
Heads Up: Testing Patients Who “Exaggerate” Their Hearing Thresholds
John D. Durrant and Cynthia G. Fowler
Testing Patients with Cochlear or Brainstem Implants
Andy J. Beynon
Chapter 10. Testing Potentially Beyond Hearing-Related Yet of Interest in Audiology the Profession
Heads Up: Not Only Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields Too—Confirming Origins
John D. Durrant, David L. McPherson, and Lionel Collet
Quick Look at Intraoperative Neuromonitoring and Other Evoked Potentials
Abreena I. Tlumak and John D. Durrant
Heads Up: A Case of Elective Surgery That Could Have Gone Badly Were It Not for IONM
John D. Durrant and Abreena I. Tlumak
Whose Land Is This?
Suzanne C. Purdy
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