About The Book
Speech Sound Disorders: For Class and Clinic, Fourth Edition offers a readable and practical guide to the care of speech sound disorders, emphasizing evidence-based principles and procedures that underlie almost all clinical approaches, making this an ideal choice for a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses. Nearly twenty-five percent of the chapters offer hands-on analyzes of speech samples from real children.
The PluralPlus companion website contains dozens of downloadable assessment and treatment resources for both students and professionals. For an instructor, Speech Sound Disorders provides clear discussions of the connection between speech development and clinical decision making, consistent formatting across chapters, sample syllabi, options for PowerPoint presentations, and hundreds of review questions and “learn by doing” exercises for in-class activities and homework assignments.
Key Features
- Each chapter begins with learning objectives and key words, and ends with conclusions and review questions
- Readable and practical discussions of complex clinical topics
- Coverage of speech sound disorders from infants through adults
- Clear link between speech development and clinical decision making
- Emphasis on underlying principles and procedures
- A PluralPlus companion website with PowerPoint lecture slides and answers to the review questions for instructors and assessment and treatment resources for students
New to the Fourth Edition
- Stronger links between speech development and treatment
- Invited chapters on AAC, bilingualism, speech production, and speech perception
- Five “learn by doing” chapters with speech exercises from real children
- 40 exercises based on speech samples from real children
- Practical, hands-on discussion of assessment
- More downloadable clinic resources
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